Our work Our projects Pre-primary Satellite Project EdUKaid's Pre-primary Satellite Project provides a child-centred, early years education to children in some of the the most remote villages in Mtwara District. 30% of children missing out Mtwara is a particularly rural area with many villages deep in the remote bush. Children have to walk several kilometres, often unaccompanied, to school which, for the youngest children is unsafe and just too far. As a result, almost 30% of children are not starting school until they are 7 or 8 years old missing out on an education in their formative years, many are not starting at all. Initially setting up pre-primary satellite classes in 10 remote villages, this new project builds on our successful Montessori pre-primary model but also ensures long-term sustainability and community ownership. Training community volunteer teachers We have trained 10 volunteer teachers to deliver an education to children aged 4 - 6 in a village-based setting. We have also worked with teachers and head teachers from the nearest primary schools who will be responsible for these satellite classes long-term. Community ownership In each of the 10 villages, committees have been formed from the local communities and plans put in place to provide support for the volunteer teacher and satellite class. Just a few weeks in to the project, committee members have already started to implement small income generating initiatives to raise funds to buy teaching and learning materials. In some communities, parents and carers have identified land and started to make bricks to build a classroom - this is such a significant step forward in communities where most previously education has not been seen as important. Can you help? Set up a regular donation today and help us provide more children with the education they so desperately need. Manage Cookie Preferences