Launched in September 21, the Inclusion Programme builds on the groundwork and incredible progress made over the last two years from the Inclusive Education and Heshima Project in a more efficient and effective way.  This programme delivers a range of activities aimed at improving access to education for adolescent girls, children living with a disability and other groups marginalised due to negative culturally entrenched attitudes towards difference.

How is EdUKaid tackling discrimination?

The programme has 4 core components:

  • Teacher Training

Providing teachers with the knowledge, skills and confidence to assess and identify needs and deliver empowering activities including weekly Girls’ Clubs, mixed ability sports activities etc

  • School Capacity Building

Supporting school management to develop and implement Inclusion Plans which will address physical barriers to education, provide inclusion education to boys and non-disabled children as well as ensuring that the needs of disadvantaged children are considered in all school planning

  • Community Education

Supporting the delivery of an inclusion education programme including community meetings, radio broadcasts, and district wide promotional events

  • Wider stakeholder Collaboration

Working with education officials, NGOs and other organisations to promote a positive image of disability, gender and difference whilst influencing education policy at a local, regional and ultimately national level. 

Progress – May 22

In just nine months, the Inclusion Project is already transforming lives and, most importantly, changing the deeply entrenched attitudes of whole communities.  Read our latest summary report here.