Ndumbwe Primary School Ndumbwe Primary School renovation Ndumbwe Primary School was renovated in 2018 thanks to grants from the British and Foreign Schools Society and The Chrysalis Trust. This was a particularly challenging renovation due to significant damage caused by a fire in 2016. Children are now benefiting from bright and well resourced classrooms, new latrines and clean water from the rainwater harvesting system - this is already having a positive impact on attendance and learning outcomes. In 2018 there were 74 pre-primary children and 678 primary children enrolled at the school. Before renovations Making big changes Fresh water Enjoying class What it means to the teachers and children of Ndumbwe Primary School “Our school is saved – I was of despair but now I am full of hope for our children.” - Mr Yarauka – head teacher “I like the toilets – it is good not to have boys there.” - Greta, Standard 7 pupil Do you feel passionate about children and education? Donate now to transform the lives of many Mtwara children and make education a reality for them too. Manage Cookie Preferences