Mkwajuni Primary School Mkwajuni Primary School: the challenges Mkwajuni primary school was one of the worst performing schools in the area – its particularly remote location creates additional challenges such as extremely poor access, lack of clean water (closest pump is several kilometers away), high levels of preventable sanitation-related illness, poor teacher retention due to neglected facilities and a shortage of even the most basic resources. Whilst only 136 were children enrolled at Mkwajuni, there were at least 200 more children living in the area who should be attending – many had dropped-out due to the appalling facilities. Hazel's Footprints Trust: school renovation In 2019 a grant from Hazels' Footprints Trust funded the complete renovation of Mkwajuni primary school alongside activities encouraging local ownership and create lasting improvements to teaching and learning. The transformation was incredible. Training and tools A critical aspect of this project was to secure the engagement of the local community in basic school maintenance and resource making through training during the renovation period and providing the tools needed for general upkeep and long-term repair thus reducing the need for future renovation and reliance on overseas aid. In August 2019, volunteers from global law firm Clyde & Co spent several days working alongside EdUKaid staff and members of the local community to decorate the newly renovated school creating a vibrant learning environment. PROJECT UPDATE - February 2021 It's 3 years since we first visited a dilapidated Mkwajuni Primary School struggling to meet its children's basic needs, so it was great to get an update from our team today on the incredible difference that the school renovation has made since then. Thanks to Hazel's Footprints Trust and Clyde & Co volunteers the number of children enrolling in school this year has nearly doubled, attendance has improved by 80% and assessment results are at an all time high. Mkwajuni primary school is now ranked 60th in the region compared with 250th back in 2019 - an incredible result. Do you feel passionate about children and education? Donate now to transform the lives of many Mtwara children and make education a reality for them too. Manage Cookie Preferences