Work is well underway to transform the EdUKaid Community Centre.  The building was in such a poor state as shown below that it took a few weeks just to remove damaged plaster, rotten timbers and crumbling concrete floors.


The main renovation work has now been completed and the Community Centre is beginning to look like the learning environment we had envisaged for so long.  The solar power system had been installed and is providing a reliable source of electricity which is already making a huge difference to the team’s efficiency and the evening lessons as they are no longer interrupted by the daily power cuts.

When the rest of Mikindani was dark with no power the EdUKaid Community Centre was a glowing beacon at the heart of the town

Disabled access had been created to the front of the building across the drainage ditches with pipework beneath to avoid flooding during the hard rain season.  For the first time ever, there is a kitchen with a proper sink, flushing toilets and working fans in every room.  

Craft Room up and running

Local women are now making regular use of the Craft Room and have made bags and aprons to send back to the UK where they will be sold to generate an income for the women and money to invest in future craft activities ensuring their sustainability.  

New staff

We have recruited a Community Centre Manager, Yasru, who is a qualified teacher born and brought up in Mikindani.  Yasru is currently working with children and staff to identify the most appropriate books and materials to resource the new library and classrooms and talking to local people about the types of activities that they would be interested in participating in. 

Exciting new activities

Once the renovations are complete, the Community Centre will be an inclusive and welcoming environment at the heart of the village for children and families to learn, share, respect and belong. 

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